Your Marketing Message

The #1 reason why marketing doesn’t work for many is because the message is off. It’s not connecting with people.

When you have a powerful message that clearly articulates what you do for your clients and it’s designed in a way to get them to take action, then whatever marketing activity you choose will have the desired effect.

When it comes to the marketing message, many entrepreneurs experience the following:

  • Going to networking events and not getting clients
  • Having a website that just sits there and no one calls
  • Knowing the message is off but just not knowing how to fix it


  • Speaking to a group of people and they get you! They reach out to connect with you.
  • Spending less time and money to get more clients!
  • Having more time and freedom to do the things you are passionate about!

My Story

I, myself, am embarrassed to admit that when I first started my business, I launched a website, thinking if I built it, they would come. Well, that didn’t happen.

I then spent $2000 on a digital ad campaign that got no results. I was also a sought-after speaker that wasn’t getting clients.

I discovered that the source of my problem was that the content for my marketing was not worded in a way that compelled my ideal clients to take action and call me.

I also found that many marketing and website companies assume you already have clarity on your message and that it’s been proven to work. This results in wasted dollars and hard-learned lessons.

Your marketing message comes in the form of:

  • Your 60-second introduction
  • Your social media profiles
  • Your website
  • Your Signature Talk when on stages
  • What to say when you are being interviewed

When your marketing message is structured properly, your ideal client will WANT to take action and work with you!

Over the years, I developed the NCP Client Attraction Messaging Formula to support my clients in really STAND OUT and deliver a message that attracts people to take the next step with you!

Find out more about the NCP Client Attraction Messaging Formula:

The easiest and best process!

In the past, my company has brought in multiple marketing trainers to help us create value propositions, and I have probably sat down at least 20 times in the past to try and create one. Nicki’s program is, by far, the easiest and best process I have experienced.

Robin Oxley

IG Wealth

The System Works!

For years I struggled with my elevator pitch. I worked with NCP to come up with a new pitch. The first time I used my new pitch, I had people coming to me and asking for my business cards! This was new for me.

I can’t tell you how much I am relieved knowing that my pitch is in alignment with those that are looking for my services and getting me the results that I’ve longed for over the many years I have been in business.

NCP has a system that helps you identify your target market and a marketing message that attracts the type of people you want to work with.

Paige Stevensen

The Intuitive Advisor

Leagues Ahead!

As a Life Coach and brand new entrepreneur, I was feeling so overwhelmed and directionless. I had tried learning on my own but still felt like I was getting nowhere. After working with Nicki, I now feel like I am leagues ahead of where I would have been had I not reached out. Having this type of clarity around my marketing and my message is so helpful – I feel like I have a solid direction to move in. I am so appreciative of Nicki’s expertise and the guidance that she has given me.

Emmalee Watts

Life Coach

Now that you have your message, what is the best marketing strategy for you?